Our effort is aimed in providing our customers with specialized products and high quality ...
IBERSA was born with the mentality of serving the customer through skilled staff and top quality products. Therefore, after 25 years of effort in this direction, the company decided in 1995 to establish a system of quality management to certify their work and recognize its commitment to continuous improvement and competitiveness. This process culminated in January 1996 with the granting of Company Registration Certificate by AENOR, according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001/00, IBERSA being one of the first companies in the sector to get it. IBERSA currently has a system of quality management according to standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 issued by AENOR. It also has the certificate IQNET, international recognition of the certificate issued by AENOR. Thanks to this last certificate IBERSA was licensed the use of the mark IQNET.
The balance between economic activity and adequate protection of the environment is the rule, which guide activity of IBERSA. The main lines of action are:
These commitments lead us to start in 2012 certification process of GREEN ECONOMY, which will end at the end of this year by obtaining ISO 14001 certification from AENOR.